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3 Non-cohesive deltas undergoing pure aggradation with different water and sediment feeds
3 Deltas with different degrees of sediment cohesion undergoing pure aggradation.
Non-cohesive delta undergoing pure aggradation
Cohesive vs. Non-cohesive sediment
Floodplain evolution: Pomme de Terre River incision/aggradation history
Delta (TDB-14-1) experiencing large magnitude, long period relative sea level cycles
Evolution of Synthetic Stratigraphy of a Strongly cohesive delta (TDB-12)
Anteis : Comparative video between cohesive & non cohesive fillers
SIESD 2015 Delta Experiment Progradation
Alluvial fan experiment with widely graded sediment mixture, ft. clock
Channel dynamics on a cohesive fan
An old Jurassic Tank experimental delta with base-level cycles